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I just acquired my first Great...

18 16:05:51

I just acquired my first Great Pyrenees puppy and in comparison to my
other dog, she has a warm dry nose and her ears feel warm.  Is this a sign
that something may be wrong?  The other two dogs I have, their nose are
moist and cool and so are their ears.  What do you think?  She is shy and
sleeping quite a bit.  But when awake plays and runs around.  Her poops
are normal looking, noticed some of those little "rice" looking worms.
She seems to pee quite a bit, but is a heavy water drinker.  She is 10
weeks old and was raised in a yard with goats.  We are going to raise her
as a family pet and protector for our 2 acre homestead.  

She may be running a fever.  You should take her to the vet for an examination and to find out if she is healthy.    

Puppies need a series of vaccines every 2-4 weeks until they are about 4 months old.  Also, those worms are tapeworms and are usually gotten from fleas or rodents.  Your vet can prescribe deworming medication for her.  However, you should take a stool specimen to have checked as there are many other parasites such as roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, coccidia and giardia that the puppy may have and that can be transmitted to your other dogs.