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lawn burn spots

18 16:06:17

I have seen products (chewable tablets) that help prevent the lawn burns from dog's urine, and I have heard to add a tablespoon or two of tomato sauce or paste to dog food helps to prevent the burns.  Do you know if either work and which is better for the dog?  I have also heard that the tomato products only cause the dog to drink more water to neutralize the urine by diluting it (the salt in the product makes the dogs thirsty).  My dogs are elderly (15 y.o. golden and 10 y.o. lab).  I also have the problem with the 15 y.o. in eating her poop, but we were able to stop that by giving her Deter tablets for several weeks.  I wouldn't want to make her WANT to eat her poop again!

Hi Allison,
    Sorry but I have never heard of the tomato sauce trick!?  So I'm not sure what it would do. Are your dogs spayed and neutered? If not,  that is one reason why the urine is so strong or.... since they are considered Senior or Geriatric pets now they could be experiencing changes in their kidneys which can cause urine to be very concentrated or even diabetes. Lot of things to think about here, so a vet visit might be in order. Take care and thanks for the question.