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Kitten not eating

18 15:39:23

My 6month old kitten is a very good eater and lately he barely eats. In 3 day he has picked at his food, and drank (I think) a small amount of water. I saw him eating and he looked like he was struggling to eat on one side of his mouth. I am worried that the problem may be his a tooth. He is still playful, and getting into trouble. And he has been much more affectionate.

Hope you can help

Your kitten should be seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible.  Any cat who is not eating can become seriously ill - dehydration, liver failure among the possible complications.    A young cat, such as yours, can become very ill very quickly if not eating.

More than likely, your kitten has the beginnings of an upper respiratory infection (a cold) which is making it hard for her to smell her food.  When cats can't smell something, they refuse to eat it.  

Other possible reasons your cat might not be eating include a more serious viral infection, such as FIV, Feline leukemia, or a virus called FIP - all of which can be life-threatening.

There may also be a problem with his mouth, as a you suspected.  It is not likely to be a dental problem at his age.  However, young cats often are infected with calicivirus - which can cause a cold, runny eyes, and blisters on the tongue.  These blisters can be painful and many times cats stop eating.

More than likely the problem is something that is easily treatable - so bring your kitten to the vet before things go on for too long, otherwise your kitten can become seriously ill and your vet bill will be much more expensive.  If you can, get him in to see a vet today before the long holiday weekend.

Dr. Jen