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JRT Barking

18 15:17:08

Hello Marie,
I have 2 JRT. They are barking way too much. My landlord has already mentioned it, and even when I go downstairs to get my mail , they go crazy. They are walked 1 hr in the morning, and 1 hr in the evening. They have toys, etc.
I do not want them on med's for the rest of their lives, and I do not want to put a "shock collar" on them either.
I have been doing alot of internet searches for the "no bark" system's that you can hang up on your wall, and I can not locate one with good positive reviews. I already purchased 1 from Petco, and returned it, because all they did was bark at the device.
Any help you can give would greatly be appreciated.
Thank you in advance.

I understand your concern:  The bark / shock collar can be used and given a very low shock when training the dog.
I have a shock collar and just about never do the shock on my dog.
Many dogs get the warning sound and stop the barking right away.
Also, once a dog is shock collar trained you show the collar and put it on them...They don't even say one Woof!

Re-consider the shock color.  YOUR breed of dog needs it... Sorry, I don't have any other suggestions for you.
Jack Russell are high energy and very loud.

Good Luck

Marie Peppers