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My cat has stopped eating What can I do?

18 16:12:31

  My cat has stopped eating and drinks very little. I treated her with a Hairball paste, thinking that  that this may be the problem since she has long hair. Its been 3 days now on the treatment But no luck. She hasnt vomited or Dosn't try coughing any thing up What else could be the problem.Ive tryed several diffrent foods nothing works. She only takes one or two bites when I feed. Help!

Pam ,
      I am concerned your cat may be suffering from something more serious and am going to recommend that you schedule an appointment with your regular veterinarian to have him examined. The problem may be as simple as a urinary tract infection or as complicated as kidney failure. The only way to be sure is to have him seen. You veterinarian can perform recommended tests and provide any necessary treatment. Animals are very valiant and by nature will try and mask illnesses until the problem becomes fairly serious. I wish I could offer more, but without being able to see him, I can not offer you an exact cause. Please feel free to get back to me with any additional questions or concerns.