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18 15:54:28

I have taken my dog to our vet twice in the last two month for being sick. She is a Jack Russell. The promblem is that she has been wormed twice know for hook worms. But she is still throwing up everyday and every time we let her out all she does is just keep eating grass. Then she will get sick after that. A couple of week ago, every time she ate or drank, she would throw it up. She couldn't keep anything down. I don't know what to do to keep her from getting so sick. I have anothe Jack and he doesn't get sick like her. Do you have any ideas what might else be wrong with her or how to help her to keep food and water down. Any help will be appericated.              Thank You,                                                                        Teresa Fox

if she is not keeping food or water down, this is a problem that you will want to see another vet for a second opinion.

she should have bloodwork and xrays done to rule out foreign bodies and or infections in the body that can cause vomiting.

good luck!