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dog accidents in house

18 15:54:28

My dog, Peekapooh, 2 years old has a problem with urinating in the house.  He comes and tells us when he has to go NO 2. Even after I have taken him out he stills finds a spot in the house and goes.  What can be done to brek him of this habit?  

Crate him during the night and when you are gone for the day.  When you are home, take him out EVERY HOUR on a leash.  When he urinates, praise and reward him with a piece of chicken breast.  He will get the hang of it after awhile, but it will take patience and persistence.

I would also take a urine sample to the vet to make sure he doesn't have a urinary tract infection or crystals that are contributing to the accidents.

If he is not neutered, that may help reduce marking behaviors.