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bowl movment problems

18 14:44:00

hi i adopted an older cat about a year and a half ago.with in the past 7mo i had to take her to our vet becouse she was having loose stool every day but afterwords she was fine so now for the last few weeks ago she starts to growl and she leaving small nowls all over the house   i csnt afford to take her to the vet do to finanaces problemes i also want to mention that some of the bowls are gray in color so what do you think is wrong,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Most of time cats get diarrhea from changes in food. Have you changed her food recently? And when is she growling? When she has a bowel movement or before or just for no reason?

She might be in pain. Cats also get bacterial infections in their digestive system which will cause loose stool and pain. A gray color to the stool can be an indication that she isn't digesting her food properly which will also cause loose stool.

She might be developing colitis or some irritable bowel disease. She needs to see a vet as soon as you can get her to one. You don't want this to progress to the point of it costing more money because you waited and it got worse.

Call the vet.