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worried about neighbors husky

18 15:05:07

QUESTION: Hello, can you please answer me tonight?  There is a husky in the yard in back of me and she is usually left out most of the winter.  The neighbors brought her in for a few nights as it was about 8 or 10 degrees farenheit up here.  They put her out again and last year I never heard heard her carry on but now she cried very badly for about 15 minutes.  She not only cried but paced around in her 5' by 5' cage at a fast pace like she was trying to keep herself warm. It's about 28 F. now. Maybe she's not used to the cold anymore. She finally gave up and went in her little dog house.  I know huskies in the north pole are out but they run around and probably have a higher metabolism and might even sleep together for warmth.  I am worried about her.  Should I say something to them about her.  Please answer as soon as possible as it is getting late. It's almost 9 PM Thank you.  Christine B.

ANSWER: Most huskies in the North are grown and raised to be outside in this cold. But they work hard all day too. They curl up in the snow and cover their noses up and sleep.
They do not sleep together. However, if this dog is a pet and not a working dog and is used to sleeping in house, then the dog needs to be in the house.

If there is a problem then you need to call the humane society (aspca).

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you so much for answering. Sorry to have to contact you again.  I'm troubled because I don't know what to do.  She is usually outside, but was in for a FEW days and nights in the unusual extreme cold.  Now that she is back out she seemed to not like it.  It is about 28 F. now.  She is not a work dog.  She is just an out door pet.  If she was a work dog would her metabolism be higher?  Well anyway, I'm still troubled about her. If I talk to them what do you think I should say to them? I am still considering what you said about calling the SPCA.  please answer.  My only concern is the caged dog. Thank you

I understand your concern. Speaking to them will most likely anger them but it's worth a shot. Just let them know you are concerned. Mention that since she stayed in for a few nights she seems distressed being outside. That has more to do with her being lonely than cold because dogs are pack animals and that family is her pack and she is being banished (in her mind) from them. That is why she cries. Not because she is cold.

So let them know you are concerned and if you tell them in that way instead of because you might think she is cold (since that is your opinion to them).

I applaud you for caring so much but you cannot always make others see it your way.
Let me know how it goes.