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Luxating patalla

18 15:54:12

I've been told that my dachshund has a luxating patalla. Were in the process of setting up surgery for her. On the average, how much to do these procedures usually cost?

Hi there!  Luxating patella surgery can be quite expensive.  Usually, though, as with all procedures, cost varies between veterinary offices.  I would think it would be safe to say to figure in the ball park area of $1200.  This would include the presurgical blood work (which is necessary to make sure that the liver and kidneys are functioning properly, as these two organs help flush the anesthetic out of the system), the anesthesia used, the surgery, the surgery materials, IV fluids (which aid the body to flush the anesthesia from it), pain medications (which are definitely a must with invasive surgeries), antibiotics (to prevent infection), and around the clock veterinary care for approximately 2-3 days.  Before the surgery, your veterinarian will most likely have a consultation with you to discuss the procedure and the cost.
I hope this helps and I hope your dachshund is feeling better really soon!
Please keep me posted!