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sick puppies

18 15:29:00

I have 6 10week old puppies>  About 5 days ago they started having very loose stool, vomiting and being lethargic.  I found some dark blue berries in the back yard and found pieces in there vomit?  Is there a home remedy?

I have no idea what they have eaten. If it's been five days and they are still alive I would think they have passed it all by now. One thing you can give to help pass it and coat the gut is Keopectate-which is a clay.
But when a litter of pups ALL get sick like that I would suspect parvo before I would think they have ALL eaten the same berries.

In that case you need to get them into the vet asap for treatment or you could lose them all.

Some breeds are harder hit by Parvo-virus and need care right away.
I don't know what kind of puppies you have but I suggest you call the vet right away and talk to them.