Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > provo


18 16:06:09

i took my saturday to a vet and she tested possitive for provo. she wasnt hospitized because i couldnt afford it. so he gave me med. early this moring she had that dark browinsh red smelly. my vet closed until wednesday. i need to know if this could be her getting worse or could it be what was already inside of her thats coming out now? could you please help me? i dont want my puppy suffering if i'm not helping her

Hi Elizabeth.Parvo is a very deadly disease if not treated properly. Medications will not work without hospitalization and IV fluids. You need to talk to your veterinarian about a payment plan or you need to find a veterinarian who will work with you through payments. Do this today. Parvo will kill and it will happen quickly. This can not wait until Wednesday. Find a veterinarian today that will help.
Please keep me posted,