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Older cockerspaniel

18 15:53:20

My 16 year old cocker spaniel just made a move from my mother's home to mine.  She recently had a stroke and he was constantly messing on the floor and she couldn't keep up with it.  He poops at least 4-5 times a day and he has to stay in my heated garage because I can't keep up with the mess either.  He has a crate that he sleeps in, but he'll even go in his crate.  It's constant, the only time he's inside is when I'm in the same room and he's gated into that one room, and he'll squat and go right in front of me.  I don't know what to do.  This has been an ongoing problem. I'm even trying to re-potty train him, but he doesn't even scratch to go out anymore, he just goes.  What can I do to help him realize he needs to go outside to do his business or is there no hope because he's 16 years old?

Hi this is common in old dogs.  It is known as incompetance and cannot be stopped as the animal can not learn again.  I have seen this in loads of animals and some people choose to have them put to sleep.  You will have to keep her in the garage at nights but make sure she is with you in the house in the day.  Let her out in your  garden for a while until she has done her business and then let her back in.

If you telephone your vets youn might be able to get hold of a drug to reduce this