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Skin problems in German Shepherd

18 14:38:59

Hi Doctor.  Hope you can help.  I am 80, terminally ill, on oxygen, limited income and cannot afford a vet for my loyal pet German Shepherd (8 yrs. old, male, adopted from a pet shelter.
He has had an ear infection.  Retired vet came to my home and prescribed meds.  Since that that he appears to have a form of spots..sores, dry skin, loss of hair in certain areas.  My son has tried everything from pet store products (itch relieving, olive oil, desitin, prednisone, etc.)  Still no relief.  Is there anything you recommend?  Does he need an antibiotic?  We are in a basement apt.  Have had Shepherds all my life in beautiful homes (things change) and never had a problem like this.
Would sincerely appreciate your advice and comments to help this wonderful friend who saved my life when I passed out and he alerted my son.  I was on a ventilator and in a drug induced coma (by doctors) for a month.
My income is only SS...widowed 29 yrs.
Thank you for your kindness.

If he is an allergic dog then the prednisone tablets should help if it is used on a regular basis.  If there is a skin infection, then an antibiotic and an antibacterial bathing program may really help.  In the US many antibiotics are available for free at many pharmacies.