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18 14:11:45


We have a cat who is suffering severely from cryptococcosis. We have tried Itraconazole and currently trying Fluconazole, neither have worked/are working. (Have tried the latter for several months now). He's suffered for 21 months with this fungal infection on his nose.

The local vet was wanting to put him down there and then when we took him last Saturday. She's relucatant to put him on another medicine called Amphotericin B due to the side effects.

At just 5 years old, without having lived his life, it'd be terribly sad to put him down. Can you recommend anything whatsoever?


ANSWER: Hi Ryan,
I am sorry to hear about your cat struggling with this disease. It is a very difficult one to treat.

In what I have read, Ketoconizole seems to have the best efficacy against this fungus. Most of these studies also cited that cats with leukemia, or FIV as underlying factors, make it more difficult or impossible to cure. So my question to you is has he been tested for these viruses?

I am really not an expert on this disease, so I can't add much other than asking your vet to try the Ketoconizole, and getting him tested for the above viruses.

I found this page online about the treatment of this disease using various anti-fungals:

It's really a decision you have to make as far as the other treatment of having him put down. There are renal side effects from the Amphotericin B but if the only way out is to put him down, then why not try it? Fluid therapy can help with the renal issues.

I am sorry I cannot be of more help. I do hope that you can find something that works for him.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


Thanks a lot for getting back to me. We visited the specialist vet yesterday who said the same as the main vet regarding Amphotericin B, in that they won't allow us to give it to him due to the terrible side effects.

However, as you say, if it's between putting him down or potentially saving his life, why not allow it?

I imagine our only chance of getting him onto either Amphotericin B or Keteconizole will be to see another vet.

We're currently trying a homeopathic remedy as really, we have nothing else at this moment aside from the Fluconazole which is seemingly keeping it at bay at least.

Have you any experience in the success rate of homeopath?


I have not had any experience with any of the vets up here doing any homeopathic medicine, but I totally believe in it. I have personally great success with homeopathic medicine.

If you have a naturepath around you that treats animals, then by all means go see them with your cat. You have nothing to lose at this point right? If all else fails, I would go to another vet and get the Ketaconizole at least.

I hope he does better. Please let me know how he does.