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18 15:14:00

i am currently using the NSAID, piroxicam as a chemo treatment for my golden retreiver - Erik. He has SCC which is located at the very front of his nostril - totally visable. Any ideas how long this drug needs to be taken before any noticable effects could possibly be seen? He weighs 40kg and i have him on 10ml and 20ml on alternate days (apparently the recommended dosage is .3ml per kg).
Many thanks.

Max  -

Piroxicam is a great chemotherapeutic drug that is used to treat various neoplastic conditions.  Unfortunately, I do not know how long it will take before you see a change in the progression of your dog's SCC.  The drug's effectiveness will depend on the severity of the SCC and how far the disease progressed before he was placed on the medication.  

Your veterinarian can better tell you what to expect  because he/she is more familiar with your pet's health status.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM