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cat ate raw spoiled chicken

18 14:38:28

Last night I caught my cat with his head in a bag of raw
chicken that had been in the garage for probably 4 days.  It
is cold in the garage but I am sure that the chicken was
most likely spoiled.  In the middle of the night my cat
started to vomit and has continued to vomit throughout the
day today.  The vomit is mostly watery but smells very bad,
and the last time he vomited it looked bloody.  I have not
seen signs of diahrrea, just the vomiting.  He also seems
very tired and weak.  He is uninterested in eating his food
or drinking water.  Is it good that he is vomiting and
getting it out of his system?  Should I be concerned with
dehydration?  As it is a Sunday night, I cannot call my vet,
I will have to wait til tomorrow.  Thank you in advance for
any suggestions/advice.

This cat is very sick! Any time a cat vomits all day long he is very sick, and bloody vomit can be a very bad sign or it can just be that he has ruptured some blood vessels in his stomach from all of the vomiting.

You can call your vet or an on call vet and at least get some ideas about what to give him to help him tonight. I cannot recommend anything online.

He needs something soon and yes, he is going to get very dehydrated which is very serious. You cannot give him oral fluids or he will just keep vomiting.

Another worry is his pancreas being super inflamed from the vomiting and the bacteria in the chicken. Usually cats will not eat spoiled food at all so the vomiting could just be a result of him eating something rich that he normally doesn't eat.

Pancreatitis can progress to a fatal condition very quickly so please call the on-call vet in your area or at least try your own vet's answering service for help.

I would be very concerned about waiting until tomorrow.I hope that he will be okay.

Please call them and let me know how he is doing later on.