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12 year old staff/lab mix

18 15:12:59


I recently took my dog to a friends cottage and on the 3rd day noticed his bottom eylid seemed droopy and a membrane (I think it's the third eyelid) was growing over his eye.  Sometimes it looks normal and other times the membrane is almost half way over his eye.  I've taken him to the vet and they seem to think it could be nerve damage either from being yanked too hard if he was tied up (which he was not tied up) or some object could have logged in his sinus area as he was running through pine bushes.  So far they have given him antibiotics.  I am a little weary of my vet though as they shaved part of his cheek to see if something was logged in his facial area and ended up cutting open his moles.  I am very worried, please advise what might cause this and how to remedy the problem.  Thanks.

Kellyanne -

Have your dog checked for Horner's Syndrome.  I cannot diagnose your pet without the benefit of a physical exam.  

Because he is an older dog, request that the doctor do bloodwork to evaluate liver and kidney function.  

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM