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Brown Spot/Covering on Dogs Eye

18 15:29:59


His eye
I have a 11 year old German Shepherd.  Yesterday I noticed that there is a brown spot on his left eye.  It is about the size of a dime.  It starts from the side and extends to about his pupil.  It does not extend to any of the white part.  It is not thick at all, I can even see through it.  No discharge or anything else.  It doesn't seem to be bothering him.

He had pannus in both eyes a few years ago, but after giving him drops it seemed to have cleared up and my vet said I should discontinue the drops.  I stopped the drops about 4 months ago.  That was also the last time I was at my vets and at that time this brown spot was not in his eye as my she checked them.

Any idea what this could be?

Thanks a lot,

Most likely, the corneal lesion you are describing is pigmentary keratitis of the cornea which is associated with your dogs Pannus. Pannus is a chronic condition and usually requires a lifetime treatment. Various topical medications are used to treat this condition including steroids,cyclosporin, artifical tears, etc. I would have the eye re-examined to make sure your vet agrees. If it appears to be from Pannus then starting back up on medications should help. However, the pigmentation may not go away completely.
Hope that helps.

Dr. G.