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my cats leg

18 14:48:48

Hi, my cat mya is pretty old and she's an outside cat. I do let her in the house at night, but last night i didnt let her outside, i woke up this morning to her meowing at my bedroom door. When i went to go check  on her she was limping and dragging her front right leg. I dont know what it could be from. She was fine all night and like i said she wasnt outside at all yesterday. She also keeps licking it. Maybe she injured it? i also called the vet and spoke to a tech, she told me it could be an abcess and its infected, but wouldnt i have noticed a change in her leg a while ago, why now? I don't think its broken because ive tried touching it and she doesnt seem to have any pain, just when she walks because she cant stand on it. Help please. Thank you!

Abscesses can pop up overnight and not be noticeable until then. She could have also gotten it caught in between something and injured it. She might have injured her shoulder, not her leg, which explains why it doesn't hurt when you touch her leg.

Shoulder injuries will make them drag their leg. I would get her to the vet before the damage becomes permanent and disabling to her. The abscess would be a good indication with the licking.

Either way she needs to have a vet look it over.