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Side effects of Conofite Lotion

18 15:29:45

We got a 4 month old kitten a month ago.  About 3 weeks ago she was diagnosed with ringwork and we were given conofite lotion to apply.  I have 2 other male cats--one 11 years old and one 3 years old.  Yesterday, the 3 year old appeared fatigued and just sleeps.  He is usually very active.  The 11 year old is now experiencing blood in his urine and making frequent trips to the cat box.  This is so sudden;I was wondering if there could be a connection to the conofite lotion or just coincidence.  They like to lick the kittens head and that is where the lotion was applied.  Help...we are concerned.

My apologies for the delayed response.  I have been ill the past few days.  Conofite toxicity can appears as many symptoms from drowsiness, vomiting, diarrhea and increased heart rate to to rashes itching and anemia.

I would doubt that licking the kitten could cause ingestion of enough of the substance to cause toxicity, though cannot rule it out completely not knowing how much was applied or how much was potentially consumed.

For the fatigued cat it is possible this could have had an effect or instead a virus could be behind the behavior.  If so you may have already seen reversal of the symptoms.

The urinary problems I am doubting could be cause by the lotion.  It is more likely to be a urinary infection or bladder/kidney stones.  I would recommend having him examined by your veterinarian and if your 3 year old has not improved it would be wise to have him examined also.

Please feel free to write back if you have further questions and best of luck to you and your feline friends.