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dog biting child

18 15:54:08

Recently my four year old grandson was bitten by the family dog in the face.  It was not a serious bite did cause a couple of puncture marks.  My daughter in law did call one Vet who advised her to have the dog put to sleep.  His reasoning was that a family dog should not even nip at a child. I do not know the exact circumstances surrounding this incident but I do know the dog was eating food off of the floor thrown down by a baby in a high chair while my grandson was trying to play with the dog.  Also, my grandson can get pretty rough at times but the dog who is a black lab mix has always been really good natured.  Is there an alternative to euthanasia?
Thank you.

Food Aggression is very common with dogs because they hold their food as one of the highest possessions.  I would recommend feeding meals in a crate to keep the children away from the dogs while eating.  You will also have to instruct the children NEVER to play with the dog when he is eating food, treats or bones.  Also, crate the dog or put him in another room when family is eating to prevent the dog from scarfing up table scraps and causing an accident that happened.

You can also do a internet search on food aggression to find more tips, but I would try some behavior and household modifications before resorting to putting the dog to sleep.