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Cat with burnt pads

18 15:29:20

My cat jumped up onto and electric stove top that was on and burnt both front pads. The left sustained the most injury and he now has a black patch in the middle of his pad (the are usually all pale pink). He is resting it and licking it a lot. His skin does not appear to be broken. Should I leave him and let it heal on its own and keep an eye on it or should I intervene with some treatment?

Thank you

Sincere apologies for the delayed response.  As long as the skin seems unbroken and there is no pus-like substance, it should heal on it's own with the burnt layers of skin eventually peeling away to healthier skin below.

If however the pads crack or develop pus you should have him seen so that he can be treated to avoid significant infection.  Hopefully he will heal quickly and remember to avoid the stove so the poor darling will not hurt himself again.