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older dog with sleep problems

18 15:58:08

Hello Dr. Fry - I have a 15year old Golden who has been having some problems at night.  He is very restless as soon as the lights, tv, etc. go out.  He paces up and down the hall, like he is searching for something, he pants, and sometimes barks.  We talk to him, pet him, and try to get him to settle down.  Some night are better than others, some (like last night) he never settled down.  I have a night light and a new dog bed but it didn't help.  His vet said it is probably him age, maybe him is going senile and losing some of his senses and he feels the vibrations.  I understand this, but, what can I do to help him and help my family get a good nights sleep.  Can he take something that would help him sleep at night??? I would appreciate your thoughts and any information you might want to share with me.  Thank you - Donna

I would suggest feeding him Hill's B/D diet as well as starting him on Anipryl for Canine Cognitive Dysfunction.  Otherwise, you could try a sedative or even Valerian Root, but at his age it would serve him best to treat the underlying problem which is his aging condition.