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why does my dog pee on the couch in our bed?

18 14:48:14

QUESTION: we've got an 18 month old bichon-poo that we got from an animal shelter, we have had her for almost a year, and I've been very worried lately- my dog started peeing on my bed and our couch, she never done it before, and tonight she peed while she was asleep and slept in it,I'm wondering if something is wrong with her... maybe she's not feeling well? what should i do?

ANSWER: She is trying to tell you something. She needs to see the vet. She may have some bladder issues, stones or an infection.

Most pets pee on the bed or somewhere new to get your attention. She is saying, hey, take me to the doctor! I hurt.

Sounds like it's almost time for her vaccinations anyway. So make it one trip.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: so we took our dog to the vet and he said that is a common thing among spayed females, and he suggested that we'll give her some pill and it might keep her from peeing everywhere. but he didn't check her for anything else, i mean he didn't take any blood works, so i'm wondering if he can be sure that that's the problem and not something else? how can he make such a decision without checking for infection or bladder issues?  

Umm because he is not being very thorough? I would not be happy with that and no, it is NOT common with spayed DOGS. Cats yes, dogs, no.

What kind of pill did he give her? She needs to have her bladder checked, a urinalysis done at the least!! Without knowing if she has a bladder infection that is nuts.

She doesn't have to be peeing blood to show that she has an infection but obviously something is wrong. Did he even put his hands on her and feel for anything?

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