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labrador pregnancy

18 15:02:01

When will be the time to confirm that my dog is pregnant


I recommend that you either get an ultrasound of your pet or a radiograph to confirm the pregnancy.  And with the radiograph you can even get a approximate puppy count which could be important when she gives birth.

Count the days from when she was mated.  23 days after is the time you can ultrasound and 45 days after is the time you can take a radiograph.  Before 45 days, the fetus' bones are not formed and you can not see them on radiographs.

I also recommend you consult a veterinarian about the pregnancy.  Diet can be very important in canine pregnancies and can mean the difference between life and death.

Your veterinarian should be able to educate you on the course of the pregnancy, a=warning signs to look for and diet recommendations.

Good luck to you both