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dog with worms

18 15:50:29

My puppy just threw-up and there were worms in the throw-up.  How dangerous are they? How do I get rid of them? and Do I need to keep my other dog away from the puppy?

Hi there!  Your puppy will need to be seen by your veterinarian as soon as possible.  Although all puppies and kittens have worms, they need to be dewormed.  Worms (Round Worms are the most common..they look like noodles) are usually found in stool samples.  When an animal vomits worms, the worms are multiplying very quickly and there is a severe infestation.  If no treatment is received, the animal will die, so it is very important to get your puppy dewormed promptly.  Your veterinarian will ask you to bring in a stool sample in which they will perform a fecal testing.  They will be able to find the worm in the stool sample allowing them to determine what kind of parasite it is.  Once this is determined, an oral medication will be given, killing the worms and allowing your puppy to be healthy!
Best of luck and have no worries.  Worms are very easily treated and are very easy to rid the system of once treatment is received.
You do not have to keep your other dog away from the puppy.  Just keep your other dog away from the puppy's feces and vomit.