Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > mometamax


18 15:17:22

my dog was diagnosed with an ear infection, the vet prescribed mometamax for 7days. 10 days after the prescribed dose was given, he was brought back for a recheck. the doctor stated the ears looked fine. 4 days after that,I noticed him drooling from the side his mouth,the same side the ear infection was on. The vet stated he had facial nerve damage. I was wondering if this medicine could have caused this.

Debbie -

I have not known Mometamax to cause facial nerve damage; call your vet's office and talk with him/her to determine if nerve damage was caused by this medication.  You could also call the company to find out if nerve damage is one of the possible side effects.  

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM