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2 week old puppy with WBCs in urine

18 14:37:40

I'm a vet tech student and we ran urine today and were encouraged to bring some from our animals at home, so i brought in a sample from my 2 1/2 week old female toy poodle puppy that we are bottle feeding.  Under the microscope we saw numerous WBC's, enough that my teacher was stumped as to the cause.  I estimated about 25-35 WBC's/hpf but it may have been even more. I know that WBC's are usually an indicator of a UTI but she is so young.  I was wondering if you would have a suggestion as to what is going on, I'm a bit worried about her now.  She has no vaccinations obviously but she was given her first dose of puppy dewormer just last night, pyrantal pamoate. Please give me your opinion.

There are many reasons that a puppy can have WBCs in their urine but I wouldn't worry too much about it unless the urine is cloudy or blood tinged.

But since I am a vet tech and not a vet myself, you might want to post this to one of the vets in here. We have seen bladder stones in dogs as young as 7 weeks old so nothing surprises me in this respect.

So no dog is ever too young for a UTI either....