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whiney chihuahua

18 14:27:43

Hi Jana,
How are you?  I have written to you before about wiggles my chihuahua.  This problem started about 1 week ago.  she started this short high pitched whiney sound.  She does this all day and night.  She also has a stuffed animal monkey she has had since I brought her home that she has been carrying around every where. Before this started the only time she would play with her monkey is when she would put it in front of her and how can i say this,go a mile a minute like she was her male partner,do you get what i mean? after she was done she would leave it alone till she wanted to do it again. But now she is carrying every where from room to room. on every piece of furniture she goes on, she has to also sleep with it.  When she doesn't bring it with her she will hide it till she comes back. I can't even go into the bathroom without her looking up at me and whining.  its almost like she is trying to talk to me thats what it sounds like.  My husband thinks she is doing it for attention or she is going into heat. She is 4 years old and has never done this before.  Believe me she doesn't need to beg for attention she gets alot of it all the time. She doesn't appear to be sick.  She is acting normal and barking when she hears someone come to the door and any other noise, she is a barky one.
Thankyou so much if you can give me some insight to what wiggles is up too.

Is this dog spayed? If she isn't spayed, why isn't she spayed? The reason I ask is because this sounds like a typical case of false pregnancy in a dog that is easily cured once and for all by getting her spayed. There is no medical reason not to spay her and every reason TO spay her- her health being the foremost.

Unspayed dogs are 100% more likely to develop breast cancer than a spayed dog. They don't have these hormonal issues and are less likely to get out and hit by a car, not to mention the obvious unwanted puppies.

So if she isn't spayed, make an appointment and get her spayed soon. You will both sleep much better once that is done and behind you.