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18 14:22:09


My 15 year old Beagle mix is unbearable at night. She wakes up at about 1am 2am and 4am constantly wanting to eat and acting like she needs to go outside and when we do take her put she just walks around for a second then comes back in and licks her rear. Its driving my parents crazy and they're at their wits end. They've taken her to the vet and they say she's fine medically and tried to give her dementia pills but they've had little effect. Please! We don't know what to do.

Thanks for your time

Hi Jake,
I am sorry but there isn't much I can do for you here. If the medicine your vet gave her isn't working then take her back and try another one. There is more than one pill out there.

You know what the other alternative is and I am guessing you are not ready for that choice yet.

As much as a pain it is, remember that your sweet dog gave you 15 yrs of her life as a devoted, loving friend to you- so try and have a little bit of compassion for what she is going through right now. Maybe a gentle reminder to your parents that we all get old and right now she is like having a 96 yr old woman in the house.

So be gentle with her and kind. I know it's hard as we all live busy lives and when you are up and down with a dog it's tough.

So ask the vet for a different medication or a mild sedative to get her through the night.

Other than that, you only choice is to have her put down at this point. I am sorry but that is all there is.

Call you vet and explore more drug options first.
I hope you can find something for her.