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Cat is acting lathargic

18 15:49:57

Our cat is acting weird. She is keeping her head low alot. She is sleeping, eating, pooping, purring, etc... She just isn't quite herself. What might be wrong? I need to know if she should go to vet or did she just eat something wrong? Thank you for your time!

Hi Debbie!  I would definitely get your cat to your veterinarian this morning, if at all possible.  I am unsure of your cat's age, but there are many, many ailments that will cause these types of symptoms...some more serious than others.  Getting her to your veterinarian today will ensure that she will get prompt treatment, and your veterinarian will be able to pinpoint whether or not this is a simple upper respirator infection starting, a toxicity, or another serious condition.  It's always best, with symptoms like these, to have a veterinarian physically examine the pet as soon as possible.
It's excellent that you know your pet and realize that she is not acting like herself.  Your cat is very lucky to have a wonderful owner like you!
Please let me know how she does.
Hang in there,