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Cat with Red/Bloody Eye

18 14:41:39

Hi Jana,

Hopefully you can help with this question.  I'm actually asking here because I am overseas and don't have access to my normal vet in the U.S.  In fact, I don't really have access to any vets here.

I found a stray kitten near where I am staying in Kenya, and it had a hurt leg and a scratched up face.  I've taken it in temporarily to feed it and let it recover.  The cat's leg seems to be getting better--it can now walk without falling over, and the cuts don't seem as bad as I first thought.

However, the kitten has a red eye.  It is completely red, though it doesn't look bloody on the surface.  It actually looks like a clear marble with a red interior, if that makes sense.  It is red enough that it is fairly hard to distinguish her dark pupil from the sclera (the white part of the eye).  I found her 2 and a half days ago and it hasn't gotten any better.

Any ideas?  I might have to try to figure out the time difference and call my vet at home just to ask....although I know they won't want to offer an opinion unless I bring her in.  All I'm looking for is an opinion.....should I try to find eye drops someplace?  Just leave it alone and see if it gets better?  Any ideas?

Thanks, so much, in advance.


while you do understand that I am not a vet, I can tell you that it sounds like this eye had some major trauma to it. If the surface is shiny and you can see the iris, that is a very good sign.

The red is from vessels rupturing on the inner surface of the eye- the actual anterior chamber possibly and in the sclera itself.If the anterior chamber has had some major damage she might lose her sight, but once the blood is absorbed she might be able to see again if not 100%.

You can use Neosporin on the surface to help it heal but deep eye trauma usually needs steroid ointments to help clear back the blood vessels.

So you can wait and see if it clears up on its own, or get some kind of sterile eye drops for her-preferably with a steroid. At some point in the healing process you should switch back to a drop/ointment without a steroid.

I hope she makes a recovery and gets well soon! Please keep me posted on how she does.