Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > 7 1/2 Month old Female Siamese sick

7 1/2 Month old Female Siamese sick

18 14:31:35

QUESTION: My cat has been laying around the house away from everybody which is very unlike her. She has been sleeping constantly for days and only eats when we pick her up to eat. Her attitude has also change in the past three days shes more agitated when the other pets come around her which again is unlike her. Shes fixed so we knkw shes not pregnate and had her shots. Whats wrong with her?

P.S we cant afford to take her to the vet now since times are bad

ANSWER: You said it, your cat is sick. Chances are good that she got bit by another cat or in a fight and is cooking up an abscess somewhere on her body. These are very painful, pus-filled wounds that seal up (like a puncture hole from a cat bite) and then fill up with bacteria.

She needs to be seen by a vet and they will find the spot that is infected and drain it then clean it out. She will go home on antibiotics.

I understand that times are tough for everyone but she is relying on you to take care of her needs and that includes medical needs, not just feeding her. Thank you for getting her spayed- that saved you and her a lot of money and problems.

She could also have other issues than an abscess but that is the most common problem for cats to have that act like yours is. She has an infection somewhere so that is why you need to see a vet soon with her.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Do u have any recommendations i can do to make her comfortable till friday when i can take her to the vet?

P.S shes really hot feeling

No, there is nothing you can do except make her drink water. Give it to her by eyedropper if you have to but get some water or better yet, Gatoraide down her.

She will dehydrate really fast if she isn't drinking water and that will make her sicker and could hasten her demise. Get her in to the vets sooner if you can.

Do not give her any drugs of any kind in the meantime, no aspirin, NO Tylenol, nothing at all. This is very important!!