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18 14:08:43

Our dog Bailey was just a little older then 12 years old, male, white shepherd. Since he was about 1 hes been having bad hip problems and has had 3 or 4 surgeries. They helped but has been on pain medications his whole life. The past few years, he has gotten worse, cant get exercise because he can barley walk, he was 165 pounds at his heaviest. My parents did everything to help him, but the past year he has been worse, does not do stairs, so didn`t really go outside, started pooping in the house a couple months ago, but my dad was still not ready to let go, a couple weeks ago, started peeing in the house and well Saturday chewed up a wall, which Bailey has never EVER done, and dont know why he did. Went to go see him Sunday, 2 say goodbye, as 2 he was being put down on Monday. He did not look the same, would not move from his spot, dad tried helping him up, but he would just fall right back down, refused treats, which he never does! He loves his treats. Would take water, but no food at all. It was hard leaving him, did not want to say goodbye. Through the night, he puked up some black fluid, not sure why and Monday at 1:30pm before the vet could get there, he just passed away. He was gone and I am heartbroken! We all are, but my dad and I are taking it the worst. Did he die of old age? Was he ready to go or was there anything else we could have done to keep our boy alive?

There was nothing you could have done. At his age, and after being on pain medication his whole life, he was ready to go. The vomiting was probably just the body purging itself but he was ready.

His liver might have also been affected by the pain meds after so many years but at least he was pain free most of the time.

You did the best you could. 12 years old is old age for a Shepherd so he lived a full life.
And while you miss him terribly, he wasn't cheated out of any of his life-span.

The fact that he had stopped eating was a sure sign that he was ready to go. That is the way they tell you that they are ready.

It's very, very hard to let go, but now Baily is pain free and running and playing somewhere. Isn't that a beautiful thought? I hope that brings some comfort in this trying time.
My condolences to your family.