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bloody stool

18 15:16:15

I just found blood in the stool of my 4 year old male.  I have been searching the internet to try to find out what might be the cause.  So far he has none of the other symptoms I am finding.  He is completely normal.  His personality is the same as always, he eats normally, and shows no sign of illness or discomfort.  He is indoors and out and usually uses the bathroom outside, so I can't say how long this has been going on.  When he is indoors he is very content and affectionate.  He appears to be completely fine.  I will be taking him to the vet, but I can't get him there until next week.  Just wondering if there is anything I can do until then, or what you think might be causing it.
Thanks, Chrissie  I didn't mention that this is a cat.

Hello Chrissie - Well, it could be a virus in his intestines... Also, he could have troubles with his rectal area... Anal Sac troubles - this can many times repair itself... I have enclosed a link for you on the Cat Anal Sac:

YOU may want to kick up his nutrition with NuVET for Felines - this is an Immune System Booster and Healer/ Excellent supplement - thousands of cat breeders refer to NuVET each day -----
Call Joan - she can help you with the first order and explain the MONEY back guarantee
1-800-474-7044 ext 265  ( it will cost you about .55 cents per day)
Tell her breeder's code 81098
NOT found in any stores...Just thru the Manufacturer and groomers..

here is the link on anal sacs

Please try the NuVet - It will keep your cat healthy and well for a life time...!

Marie Peppers