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Cat Constipation

18 14:50:50

Hi--would your advice for a cat's constipation be the same as for a puppy?  My cat, Delilah, is in renal failure and holding on.  She is eating and drinking, we are giving her sub-cu fluids, but she is constipated and we want to make her comfortable.  Thanks.

No they are not the same for a puppy. Old cats in renal failure are often constipated because they are not getting enough cellular fluids. Sub Qs just don't do the same thing.

I used canned pumpkin with my cat when he got that way and he liked it for a while then stopped eating it. Some cats love it no matter what. I then switched to Vetacyl and used that on some canned food.
The idea is to promote softer, bulkier stools so think wet foods with lots of fiber.

That is the best way to accomplish this. Oils and petramalts just don't do the same thing.