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I need help!

18 15:50:11

Over the weekend, I got an 11 month old Brishon puppy. We already have an 8 year old mix at home. When I brought Buckshot home the older dog Trixie went nuts..her teeth were showing she was growling and she went after him several times. She didn't hurt him but to me it was she was making it clear she was in charge. What can I do to make Trixie accept Buckshot? How long will it take before she does not want to go after him? can you help??

Kristen, Trixie and Buckshot

I would put Trixie in a crate for a few days so no one gets hurt and the puppy doesn't feel threatened.  She is trying to establish her dominance and often times puppies don't understand this adult behavior.

You could also purchase Comfort zone with D.A.P. diffusers to plug in to help ease stress and anxiety.  In addition, adding Rescue Remedy to the water dishes may help as well as HOLLY which is specifically for jealousy.

When you have both dogs out, keep Trixie on a leash so you can control her and step on the leash if she tries to attack the puppy.  Praise, reward and encourage calm behavior and tell Trixie "NO" very firmly is she growls or tries to go after the puppy.  Also, make sure to spend alone time with Trixie so she doesn't feel neglected.

Hopefully in 1-2 weeks she will start to accept him when she knows he is not a threat.