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18 14:43:38

hello i have a 3 year old pitbull, i notice here recently that his behavior and eating habits have changed. He usually always greets me at door,and now he stays on bed.He eats all his food one day and the next he doesnt eat anything. he has horriable breath, and it seems all he wants to do is sleep. if i get him rowled up he plays like normal. Am i being over worried or does this sound normal? by the way he weighs 74lbs

Any dog that has breath like this needs to see a vet. I would be concerned about kidney disease, gum disease etc. He needs a check up from the vet and some blood work.

What he is doing is not normal, and he also sounds a bit large for his age. He shouldn't be more than a pound or two over his one year old weight.

A three year old dog can have bad breath from not having any dental care but most large dogs do not have horrible breath at three years old. This is why I said he should have a check up and some blood work done for his kidney and liver function and an oral exam.

I hope he will be okay. Please let me know what you find out at the vets.