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Hi,I am not sure if you...

18 16:06:00


I am not sure if you know this non-infectious disease or not. It is in cats and it is called WET EYE. I was wondering if you know any websites for WET EYE in cats.



Hi there.  I have never heard it called this before.  Causes for non-infectious wet eyes would be blocked tear ducts, entropian (where the eyelashes grow into the eye and cause friction on the corneal region), or chronic conjunctivitis.  
I did a web search for feline wet eye and didn't see anything referring to this.  I am not sure if this is a slang name for another eye disease, but I have not heard of this.  I can check with the veterinarian I work with tomorrow and let you know what he says.  I wish I could be of more help, but I will try to get all information I can on this for you.
Thanks for your patience and I will get back to you within a day or two.