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Air bubbles under skin after surgery

18 15:02:42

I have a double whammy question for you:
First - my two kittens were spayed last Wednesday (almost a week) and are on the whole, doing pretty well. they are happy to be off the narcotics and seem more up and around.
My first cat, Kisa managed to pull her stitches out (only the external ones) Saturday night.  I called the vet and they said to just put hot compression on it every once and awhile to keep the swelling down.  Initially a clot had formed but now she's licked it away.  The wound doesn't ooze much and she seems in a good mood.  Do I need to do anything else in order to keep it protected or to help it heal?

The real question: Her sister Samiya has kept her stitches in but I noticed this evening that when I stroked her neck, there felt like air bubbles under her skin.  It made popping noises and didn't seem to bother her when i moved them around.  I read online about subcutaneous emphezema and crepitus, but wanted to know what I should do next.  They are scheduled to get their stitches out in a week- should I just wait and see if her body reabsorbs the air on her own?

sorry for the long one- thanks for your help!

I would not wait with this subcutaneous emphysema. It can become very painful as well as dangerous if it spreads. I would call the vet tomorrow about it.

The one who pulled out her sutures watch closely. You can try and use a a regular band-aide over the area- some cats will tolerate this and some won't. Watch for swelling and oozing as well as separation.
Try to keep her from licking it.