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Maltese keeps licking her leg

18 14:22:33

My maltese poodle keeps licking her back right leg and tail area. It is excessive licking until the entire area she is sitting on is wet as well as the area she has been licking. She has had no change in diet and has not been fed anything strange. I don't see any marks or any signs of injury or stings in the area. She has never done this before. Normally I would not stress but this is extremely obsessive that she can actually lick thart entire area wet as well as the bed she is sleeping on. Thanks

You need to get your dog in to see the vet. Any time a dog obsesses over an area like this there is something going on.

Dogs with arthritis or nerve pain will often lick uncontrollably due to the underlying pain they feel.

That is why it is important to have your vet look her over and check her for deep pain or referred pain.