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kitten 6weeks

18 14:12:54

i have a very weak 6week old kitten who weighs 400 g but weighted 440 and has been loing weight - one sister from the littert died a week ago - this one seem very sleepy, breathing is noticeable, doesn't want to  drink, mum cat topped feeding her weeks ago but she wa managing to lap up cat milk - any advice?

Get the kitten to a vet immediately. Even if you don't have money ask if one of the technicians would talk to you about nutrition for a couple minutes. In the mean time buy some canned kitten food, KMR milk (formula for cats) and bottle feed them. If you do bottle feed them DO NOT feed them while on their back, bottle feed like the image attached. Keep canned kitten food down and keep KMR milk in a bowl down AT ALL TIMES and make sure kitten is not too warm or too cold.
If she will not eat no matter what you try, take her to a vet and they will let you know if humane euthanasia is the only option. Please do not allow suffering.