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18 14:50:31

Hi, I have a 1 yr old dog that I am still trying to housebreak. I will think things are fine and then she'll pee in the oddest places.. on my bed, pillow, couch. She does pee/poop outside too but I find it extremely odd to jump up on something to pee. She did this today when she was in my bedroom and I was in my bathroom. She also surprised me when she was standing by me I was getting a plastic bag to go outside with them to pick up poop and she pooped right while I was standing there and whined a little like she knew she wasn't suppose to but had no control. Didn't yell at her just put her outside rolled my eyes, thanked God for hardwood floors and cleaned it up. Anyway, I don't see blood in the urine but that doesn't necessarily mean she doesn't have a UTI. She's very happy and is given more than enough attention so it's not for attention. She doesn't squat right in front of me so she knows she's doing something bad. Oh the crate training for her does not work because she was crated as a baby and when I got her from the rescue she'd do her business in the crate no matter what, trying the 1 hr. 2. hr etc. made absolutely no difference. I got her at 3 mos old. if you are wondering. Oh she has pooped on my bed but hasn't done that for at least a couple months. Extremely frustrating washing quilts, bedding more than necessary. I have NEVER dealt with anything like this so your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

this is a problem that you are going to need the help of a behaviorist with. This goes beyond just house breaking issues. You mention a UTI but you are telling me more about her defecating on your bed.

This dog has some serious issues and at one year of age if she isn't housebroken now I am not sure you will have success with this. If you do suspect a UTI then have the vet check her over and do a urinalysis on her.

I know this is frustrating to you- it would be to me also. I would enlist the help of the vet and maybe contact a trainer or behaviorist to see if they can help you with this.

This is beyond what my simple training advice will help.
The Uncle Matty training website might have some suggestions for you also. His website is here:

So check that out also. Call your vet and have a discussion with him/her about this.

Good luck and let me know how it goes.