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macaw diet

18 15:56:11

My young blue and gold macaw seems to be a bit thin to me - breast bone is easily felt. She is 8 months old and gets a mixture of cooked peas, grated carrot, apple and sweet potato each morning,  mixed with some of the parrot crumbles mixed with water. Fresh veges and fruit in the late afternoon and ad lib sunflower seed all day. I have recently dewormed her. My other birds are greys and conures and are much fatter than she is. Is there something I can feed her to help her gain weight, or is this normal?

Hi Julie!  Macaws need a staple diet of nuts and seeds. There are plenty of food sources on the web.  Here is one of my favorites:
The veggies and fruits are also wonderful and along with a good staple nut and seed food, she should be doing wonderful!
I would however, have another fecal test done, as intestinal parasites will cause weight loss.  She may need to be dewormed again.
I hope this helps and best of luck!