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dog lump

18 14:28:38

my dog has a lump in the right side under her jaw what could this be it is beside her back gums. she border collie mix she six years old am very worried it is a bit hard it feels just like her gum. i really think this has just came on suddenly, it did not seem to get larger from last night. she eats normally in both sides of her mouth. she is still very active and playing about like 24/7. it is not near the neck it on her jaw area I am kinda hoping it something to do with her tooth or a swollen sublingual gland. it is kinda a circler shape under the skin. it is on her under jaw. Please help should i take to the vet right a way or keep an eye on it because it is kinda hard for me to get to the vet.

Lumps like this need to be investigated via a needle biopsy or punch biopsy. Could be a salivary duct issue. This is when the salivary gland clogs up and fills up a cavity like a cyst.

You will know if that is what it is by the saliva that oozes out of it when the vet put the needle into it. They don't resolve very easily however without some sort of surgery.

Could also be a foreign body, abscess tooth, jaw tumor.

In any case it needs to be examined by a vet asap.