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My cats eye

18 14:09:03

My cats eye has this white thing that is normally in the corner covering almost one third of his eye now. He is acting normal but his eye is all that is wrong. We live in the country and he has gotten in fights before and Been cut, but yesterday I came home and he had a scrape on his leg and his eye looked weird. Since yesterday it does not look better and he is an outside cat. We don't know what is wrong.

His eye could have been lacerated by the other cat. You need to get him into the vets and get it treated quickly or he could lose his eye or his vision in it.

If this cat isn't neutered you need to get him neutered so he will stop fighting. Fighting is the number one cause of a cat getting leukemis, FIV, FIP and abscesses.

These are all potentially fatal. If he is neutered, make sure he is vaccinated for all of these diseases and rabies as well. This is a hazard to your health, not just his.

Eye issues are very serious so get him in to see your vet tomorrow.