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DESPERATE - seizures/dog

18 15:46:26

I am desperate to help my dog.  Two nights ago my 2 year old weimereiner was not walking straight, falling down and disoriented.  We took him to a emergancy vet.  The diagnosis was a sore back.  When the vet pushed on his middle back he winced and sat down.  He gave us anti-inflammatory meds and told us we should see an improvement in 24 hours.  The next morning he was still the same.  I left for work around 8:00am and came back at lunch to check on him.  At that time he was in full seizure - he had vomited white foamy stuff and had no control over his bowels.  I immediately took him to the vet and the controlled his seizures.  We took him this morning to a neuroligist.  My dog is completely unresponsive but all of is blood work is normal, his x-rays are normal, and his kidney, heart and lungs are normal.  We have to make a decision tomorrow to either get an MRI or to put him down.  Do you think there is any chance of hime recovering if we find out what is wrong with him?  I need a second opinion before we have to maket this decision.  Any thoughts on what happened to him - he went from a happy go lucky young dog to an unrepsonsive one.  Any and all thoughts would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you so much!

I understand your concern, but on the internet it is impossible for me to give you any type of meaningful opinion on a case like this.  You should await the results of the MRI and your neurologist's diagnosis before making any type of rash decision.

Seizure disorders are fairly simple to treat with medication.  It takes a while for you to regulate the amount of medicine and the frequency to give it to prevent seizures.