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Dog eats frog

18 15:54:53

My lab mix just ate frog or toad and now she is foaming at the mouth. Not like in rabies, but just like lots of saliva. Will this hurt her? What should I do to help? Thanks.

Hi Mark!

The sooner poisoning is treated,the better the odds of saving your pet.Since pets can't say where it hurts or what they ate,you need to know what to watch for-and then call your vet immediately.Warning signs include:

*Changes in behavior.Your pet may shiver or become anxious.She may lurch or stagger,have seizures or lose consciousness.In some cases she may drool excessively and paw at her mouth.

*Bleeding.Products used to control mice or other rodents often contain warfarian,a chemical that can cause bleeding from any body opening.

*Breathing problems,like panting or gasping.If your pet has been exposed to carbon monoxide,her lips and gums will turn bright red.

You should immediately call an emergency vet right now if any of these symptoms are showing.If the emergency vet says its poisoning,call the poison control immediately!

I hope this has been helpful and I wish you the best of luck!Please keep me posted and give that labby girl millions of kisses for me!Sending wagging tails your way!