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Cat hit by a car, trying to decide what to do...

18 15:19:42

Our 7 yr old cat drug herself into our house today after being gone for at least 24 hours.  We took her to the vet and the x-rays show tail is severely broken and her left side stomach wall exploded(3 to 4 inches.  Skin is in tact with her guts beneath.  The vet has suggested surgery but not sure what long term effect will be.  We are leaning towards no surgery and trying to decide between bringing her home to see if she can make it or putting her to sleep.  What should we do and what is the likelihood she will survive such trauma?

Kelley -

Please allow me to be  straight forward with you - if you do not want to properly treat your pet and do what is best for her - then please give her the dignity of putting her to sleep (have her euthanized).  If the results of the test are as accurate as you say they are (skin intact, but stomach contents have herniated), then there is no way she will survive that trauma and live a comfortable life.  Do what is right for her and let her rest in peace.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM